Please feel free to reach out to us if you don't find the answer to your question here or need clarification!
What is Club Volleyball?
Club/Junior Volleyball is competitive volleyball, designed to provide training and playing opportunities for young athletes. It is made up of a network of organizations run by volleyball enthusiasts. Most of the Club Volleyball in our region focuses on girls’ volleyball, although there are a few local clubs that field boys’ teams. More information on local volleyball for boys can be found here, note the boys season begins about one month before the girl's season (October versus November). In our region, due to the limited number of opportunities, boys that qualify as 13U and younger are allowed to play on girls teams to promote and grow the sport. SRVC welcomes boys to tryout for our 12U and 13U teams. Scroll down this page for more information.
SRVC is based in Anne Arundel County, but our club has players from Calvert, Prince Georges, Howard, and beyond. We are not associated with South River High School (although we have had players from that school on our club teams)!
How does my player gain experience before trying out for Club Volleyball?
Depending on where you live, there are many organizations that offer volleyball teams and/or training. The Fall Volleyball season typically runs from August through November.
The Anne Arundel County Sports and Recreation Youth Volleyball page has a list of contact information for the youth organizations in the county that offer fall volleyball - click on "Parent Information" to access. Team registrations seem to open in June or July - sign up early because teams fill up!.
If you live in Calvert County - check with your player's middle school, as each school fields volleyball teams that play one another as opposed to area youth organizations.
In Prince Georges County, the Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission offers volleyball training all around the county, and not just during the Fall Season. Scroll down to the "Volleyball" Card and click to see their schedule. The Bowie Boys and Girls Club fields teams for the fall season.
SRVC offers evening camps and clinics (note link is only active when registration is open) in the Summer, usually in July with registration opening by early April. These camps/clinics do sell out - we encourage families to register early!
SRVC also offers a Pre-Tryout Clinic (note link is only active when registration is open) the weekend prior to Club Volleyball Tryouts at the end of October.
Other organizations offer summer camps and clinics that will give your player the experience and training they will need. That said, if your player is determined to play and wants to learn, they should try out! Most coaches are looking for players that are coachable, athletic, and have a great attitude!
What should you consider before trying out for Club Volleyball?
The first question is whether you, and more importantly your player, are willing to make the commitment. It takes a lot of time and a lot of money. It is unlikely your player would be able to play another sport during the season - practices are held two or three nights a week and can be far from home. Additionally, there are two or three tournaments each month – these are primarily all-day, one-day events, but some are two- or three-days (all weekend). Costs can range from $1200 to $4000 or more per season. Many clubs have parent 'volunteer' requirements and additional team building activities. In other words, club volleyball is a BIG commitment for everyone. Players and families must juggle volleyball between schoolwork and other activities.
What is the governing association for SRVC?
Our club is a member of CHRVA, the Chesapeake Region Volleyball Association. CHRVA is one of about forty Regional Volleyball Associations (RVAs) of USA Volleyball. This region encompasses Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and the northern counties of Virginia. It is bordered on the north by the Keystone Region, on the northeast by the Garden Empire Region, on the west by the Ohio Valley Region, and on the south by the Old Dominion Region. If you join a club team that is governed by CHRVA or participate their camps or clinics, you will have to register with CHRVA to participate.
SRVC is also a member of Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Volleyball and participates in several AAU associated tournaments, including the AAU Girl's Junior Nationals Tournament in Orlando.
Finally, we are also members of the Junior Volleyball Association (JVA) and participate in several large JVA associated tournaments each season.
When are tryouts?
Tryouts for SRVC and all teams in the Chesapeake Region are in late October through early November (CHRVA defines the tryout period for each age group). SRVC tryouts are usually on Saturday or Sunday mornings. SRVC fields one team of 12 players for each age group from 12U through 18U.
SRVC understands there may be conflicts with other area club tryouts and we encourage players to try out for multiple clubs. Please notify SRVC personnel/coaches as soon as possible about any conflicts and we will attempt to accommodate as best we can.
What does my player need to tryout?
First, a good attitude!
Second, all players must register with CHRVA – players can register for a one week “tryout” membership (that can be upgraded when the player is offered a position on a team), or just pay for the one-year membership. They must bring a copy of their CHRVA membership card, a completed USAV medical waiver, and a copy of their original birth certificate in order to participate in the tryout.
Players should be dressed comfortably, wear knee pads, and should have a full water bottle for hydration.
What is the breakdown for team age groups?
Age groups are broken down by age of the player on July 1 of the club season year, as defined by USAV. The easiest way to remember the “right” age group for your player is to determine their age on July 1 of the club season. For example, tryouts in Fall of 2024 are for the next year's (2025) club season. So, if your player is/will be 15 on July 1, 2025, then they will try out with 15U players at the November 2024 tryouts. Note: The age group definitions changed for the 2021 Season (the cutoff date for age groups changed from September 1 to July 1). Also, there are waivers for some high school Junior and Seniors, see the USAV chart for clarification.
NOTE – Some players request to play “up”. Players must sign up and try out with their own age group, NOT the older age group. There are limited exceptions that must be discussed with the club prior to tryouts. Players should notify coaches of their desire to be evaluated to play on the older team prior to the start of their tryout.
When are players notified if they make the team?
Each club handles this differently. At SRVC, players are notified of their status on the evening of their tryout. Players that are extended offers have until Wednesday at 11pm to accept or decline an offer. Of course, SRVC would appreciate prompt responses to offers - our coaches would like to finalize their teams as soon as possible. This is especially important if a player declines an offer, as there are wait-listed players that are anxious to make the team.
Some clubs will make immediate offers at the end of tryouts and might pressure for a quick response. Know that CHRVA rules allow you to consider the offer and you are not required to accept the offer at that time. Once a club extends an offer, they must hold the spot until the player accepts or rejects, or the offer deadline passes.
If your player is lucky enough to be offered a spot on multiple teams, be sure to consider all factors important to your family when making your decision. (see "What you should consider when choosing a club?" below).
When does the season start? How long is the season?
The season starts in late November and extends through late May, and possibly into June if they qualify for a national championship tournament. The 12U and 18U team seasons typically end a little earlier, in April.
How often do teams practice?
Different clubs have different schedules. At SRVC, younger teams (12u and 13U) practice two nights a week. 14U and older practice three nights a week.
How many tournaments does SRVC participate in each season?
The number of tournaments is dependent upon age group. SRVC teams participate in nine to nineteen tournament days per season. Most of the tournaments are local (within an hour drive of Annapolis), one day, CHRVA sanctioned tournaments. Older teams travel to participate in two- or three-day tournaments – these are usually in Pennsylvania or Virginia, but also as far away as California, Texas, Colorado, or Florida.
What should you consider when choosing a club?
If you are offered a spot on one or more club teams, congratulations! Overall, all local clubs are run by dedicated individuals, working for little or no money, with a passion to promote the game and improve your player’s skills. When making your decision, consider the following factors:
SRVC tuition includes tuition, uniforms, coaching, and more. Additional costs for the season are CHRVA membership fees ($55), scorer/referee training fees ($10), and costs associated with traveling to tournaments (gas, hotel rooms, food, etc). Some larger tournaments charge a fee to spectators. Finally, costs that might be associated with team building activities are also not covered.
Can my son play on an SRVC team?
While SRVC does not have a dedicated boy's team, since 2009 our USAV region (CHRVA) has allowed boys to play on a girl's team up to the ages of 12U and 13U. We welcome players at these age groups to attend our tryouts! There are local clubs that do offer boys teams, Annapolis Volleyball Club and Maryland Juniors are two that come to mind. Read more about the policy here, click on "Boy's Opportunities in CHRVA".
What are your gender competition guidelines?
As a member of USAV/CHRVA, SRVC follows the policies outlined by USAV. Read USAV guidelines, here.
What about Beach Volleyball?
SRVC would love to be able to field a Beach Volleyball Program every summer. The unfortunate reality is that there are very few Sand Volleyball courts available for use in Anne Arundel County. Although the sport has grown significantly, our Parks and Recreation has not built enough courts to keep up with demand. We are trying hard to find private facilities that are available for use, but that has proven difficult to coordinate. If you know of any that are available, please email us at
Please contact the Anne Arundel County Parks and Recreation to request more Sand Courts in our county here: