This site has everything you want to know about college sports such as:
All prospective college athletes must visit this site and create an account. This site provides tools and information for student-athletes. |
This site provides tools to search for schools based on specific criteria such as school size, distance from home, majors, athletics and cost. You need to determine a set of your criteria to search for colleges. |
You can run sortable list of college reports for DI, DII, DIII and All. Women’s Volleyball Programs: DI, DII, DIII and NAIA. |
You should go to this site to understand how the signing process works and what you should know before making any commitment to a school. |
Profiles |
This free website lets you create a profile. College coaches pay for this service to find players. |
Paid network that enables members of the athletic community to connect, build relationships, and find opportunities to play at any level. |
Volleyball guru, Rich Kern runs website. There is a free section where you can input your information and college coaches will have access to it. |
A very popular recruiting tool for coaches and players, NCSA offers free and paid profile options along with recruiting assistance and resources. BeRecruited merged with NCSA on 2/1/2023. |
Provides you and your athletes the tools to take control of the recruiting process. |
Financial Aid |
The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid provides a plethora of scholarship and financial aid information. |
This website provides a resource for finding scholarships. |
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) provides the means to apply for federal student aid directly to your college of choice. |
Financial Aid PROFILE is a form to apply on-line for non-federal financial aid from numerous colleges and scholarship programs. |